"There is only one perspective we can have of the postChristian world of our generation: an understanding that our culture and our country is under the wrath of God. Our country is under the wrath of God! Northern European culture is under the wrath of God. It will not do to say how great we are. It will not do to say the United States is God’s country in some special way. It will not do to cover up the difference between the consensus today and the consensus of a Christian world. The last few generations have trampled upon the truth of the Reformation and all that those truths have brought forth. And we are under the wrath of God. This is the perspective we must have if we are going to understand what reformation, revival, and a true constructive revolution will mean."
Schaeffer, Francis A. (2002-05-30). Death in the City (p. 32). Crossway. Kindle Edition.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Meditation on Jeremiah 5:1-31
Lord, raise up those who will do justice and seek the truth. Save us from false faith and hypocrisy.
Lord, help us feel the anguish of our moral failings, allow us to be corrected in our attitudes and actions, and save us from being hard-hearted and stubborn.
Grant our leaders to be leaders. Those who you have made the responsible grant that they may act in a responsible manner. May those who are the great, act in a way worthy of the greatness you have given them.
Awaken us to the futility of rebellion.
Good, great, and merciful LORD, turn us from our transgressions and deliver us from our apostasies. Help us return to you in spirit and truth. Save us from the destruction we deserve.
Pardon us due to your great grace found in calvary and awaken us from the insanity of our sins. Put a new heart in us and take from us the heart of stone. Help us see the ugly nature of our sins.
Without repentance, we are doomed. True deep and transforming repentance is our only hope. Who knows if the DAY OF THE LORD, can be avoided.
Lord, save us hypocrisy and empty religion. Help our faith be true and our lives consistent.
Lord, save us from rightly being eaten up by the fruit of our rebellion.
Lord, we are foolish, save us from our insanity.
Lord, we are senseless, grant to us your wisdom
Lord, we have no eyes, give us sight
Lord, we have no ears, let us hear you
Lord, we are stubborn, teach us to submit
Lord, we are rebellious, make us loyal
Lord, we have turned aside and gone away, bring us back to your path
Lord, open our eyes to see you in the order of creation. Help us receive with thanksgiving your many blessings every day.
Lord help us not trust in our iniquities and sins to save us. Help us see that it is our transgressions that have kept good from us.
Lord, save us from the manipulators, the liars, and those who would tempt us into rebellion and pride. Save us from those that judge without justice and have no regard for the oppressed.
Give us a heart to defend the fatherless and help the needy.
Lord, we deserve your judgement. But for the sake of the Messiah Jesus and the sacrifice on the cross have mercy. Be glorified in our redemption and in our being turned back from the path of destruction.
Lord, awaken us, Lord help us, Lord transform us, Lord revive us.
Lord, help us feel the anguish of our moral failings, allow us to be corrected in our attitudes and actions, and save us from being hard-hearted and stubborn.
Grant our leaders to be leaders. Those who you have made the responsible grant that they may act in a responsible manner. May those who are the great, act in a way worthy of the greatness you have given them.
Awaken us to the futility of rebellion.
Good, great, and merciful LORD, turn us from our transgressions and deliver us from our apostasies. Help us return to you in spirit and truth. Save us from the destruction we deserve.
Pardon us due to your great grace found in calvary and awaken us from the insanity of our sins. Put a new heart in us and take from us the heart of stone. Help us see the ugly nature of our sins.
Without repentance, we are doomed. True deep and transforming repentance is our only hope. Who knows if the DAY OF THE LORD, can be avoided.
Lord, save us hypocrisy and empty religion. Help our faith be true and our lives consistent.
Lord, save us from rightly being eaten up by the fruit of our rebellion.
Lord, we are foolish, save us from our insanity.
Lord, we are senseless, grant to us your wisdom
Lord, we have no eyes, give us sight
Lord, we have no ears, let us hear you
Lord, we are stubborn, teach us to submit
Lord, we are rebellious, make us loyal
Lord, we have turned aside and gone away, bring us back to your path
Lord, open our eyes to see you in the order of creation. Help us receive with thanksgiving your many blessings every day.
Lord help us not trust in our iniquities and sins to save us. Help us see that it is our transgressions that have kept good from us.
Lord, save us from the manipulators, the liars, and those who would tempt us into rebellion and pride. Save us from those that judge without justice and have no regard for the oppressed.
Give us a heart to defend the fatherless and help the needy.
Lord, we deserve your judgement. But for the sake of the Messiah Jesus and the sacrifice on the cross have mercy. Be glorified in our redemption and in our being turned back from the path of destruction.
Lord, awaken us, Lord help us, Lord transform us, Lord revive us.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Meditation on Jeremiah 4:5-31
Meditation on Jeremiah 4:5-31
Lord, awaken us to the danger. We sleep and live in denial even as judgment comes. Awaken us to see what is coming. Provide for us souls of conviction, confession, repentance, and sadness. Souls that are in sackcloth and ashes.
Lord, help us be afraid of what our insanity has created. Take from us the deception that all will be well even as we rebel against you. Such folly is in our hearts. Help us see that sin brings only ruin.
Holy Spirit, wash my heart and the heart of all your people from their evil that we may be saved. Cleanse us of our wicked thoughts and pride. Because of our rebellion we have sown to the wind and will reap the whirlwind. Forgive our ways and deeds of indifference and self-centeredness.
Teach us to do good. Help us to know you as you are. Make us innocent in doing evil and wise in doing good. Take from us our foolishness and provide for us your wisdom. Our only hope is in you awakening us. Come now and send a great awakening to us. Amen
Recreate us out of the darkness. Bring order to our chaos.
Help us to see there is no salvation from the world system. Let us not trust in the promises of our unbelieving culture. Help us not be captured by their propaganda and hate. Let us not turn to the left or to the right. Show us your path. Show us your peace. Come to us before it is too late.
Lord, help us see our need of YOU. Help me see my need of YOU. Come now and revive, renew, and restore for your name's sake now act. Amen
Lord, awaken us to the danger. We sleep and live in denial even as judgment comes. Awaken us to see what is coming. Provide for us souls of conviction, confession, repentance, and sadness. Souls that are in sackcloth and ashes.
Lord, help us be afraid of what our insanity has created. Take from us the deception that all will be well even as we rebel against you. Such folly is in our hearts. Help us see that sin brings only ruin.
Holy Spirit, wash my heart and the heart of all your people from their evil that we may be saved. Cleanse us of our wicked thoughts and pride. Because of our rebellion we have sown to the wind and will reap the whirlwind. Forgive our ways and deeds of indifference and self-centeredness.
Teach us to do good. Help us to know you as you are. Make us innocent in doing evil and wise in doing good. Take from us our foolishness and provide for us your wisdom. Our only hope is in you awakening us. Come now and send a great awakening to us. Amen
Recreate us out of the darkness. Bring order to our chaos.
Help us to see there is no salvation from the world system. Let us not trust in the promises of our unbelieving culture. Help us not be captured by their propaganda and hate. Let us not turn to the left or to the right. Show us your path. Show us your peace. Come to us before it is too late.
Lord, help us see our need of YOU. Help me see my need of YOU. Come now and revive, renew, and restore for your name's sake now act. Amen
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Meditation on Jer 3:19-4:4
Meditation on Jer 3:19-4:4
[6] Jer 3:19-4:4
A(3:19-21) give you a pleasant land, a heritage most beautiful among the nations! (3:19)
"Return, rebellious children (3:22)"
C(3:22b-25) In the LORD, our God, alone is the salvation of Israel (3:23)
"you wish to return, O Israel (4:1)"
A'(4:3-4) Till your untilled ground, sow not among thorns (4:3)
"A: The lands. B: To return. C: The LORD, our God."
Lord, forgive me the times when I have been unfaithful and lacked commitment in my relationship with you. Help me not deny the times my way has been twisted and perverted from your holiness. Lord, how many times did I simply "forget" you in the midst of living life.
Give to me a heart that has a hunger and thirsts to return to you. Heal my faithlessness. Help me draw near to you and let me see that every other hope is a delusion and lie. In truth LORD Messiah Jesus you alone are my salvation.
Lord, your people have lost their way. We have done shameful things in your name. That which you provided to save the nations we have squandered on our own desires. We have not listened to your voice Good Shepherd and have gone wildly astray. Help us be convicted of our folly and accept the shame and dishonor of our actions without justification. Bring to us the spirit of confession and repentance.
Lord, bring your people back to you and remove from our error of heart and head. Awaken us that we might be a light to the nations and testify effectively of your love and grace once more. First, awaken us and then revive the nations to worship you in spirit and truth. Shake the world once again in your wild graceful love.
Lord, make our hearts, make my heart, to be good soil that will receive your gospel WORD and bear much fruit Let not the worries of this life crowd out the life of your WORD in me. Cut out of me that which connects me to the unbelieving world and separate me to your kingdom truth.
Lord, have mercy. Keep us from deserved just wrath by your sacrificial grace. Lord, let us seek you.
Lord have mercy, Messiah Jesus have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen
[6] Jer 3:19-4:4
A(3:19-21) give you a pleasant land, a heritage most beautiful among the nations! (3:19)
"Return, rebellious children (3:22)"
C(3:22b-25) In the LORD, our God, alone is the salvation of Israel (3:23)
"you wish to return, O Israel (4:1)"
A'(4:3-4) Till your untilled ground, sow not among thorns (4:3)
"A: The lands. B: To return. C: The LORD, our God."
Lord, forgive me the times when I have been unfaithful and lacked commitment in my relationship with you. Help me not deny the times my way has been twisted and perverted from your holiness. Lord, how many times did I simply "forget" you in the midst of living life.
Give to me a heart that has a hunger and thirsts to return to you. Heal my faithlessness. Help me draw near to you and let me see that every other hope is a delusion and lie. In truth LORD Messiah Jesus you alone are my salvation.
Lord, your people have lost their way. We have done shameful things in your name. That which you provided to save the nations we have squandered on our own desires. We have not listened to your voice Good Shepherd and have gone wildly astray. Help us be convicted of our folly and accept the shame and dishonor of our actions without justification. Bring to us the spirit of confession and repentance.
Lord, bring your people back to you and remove from our error of heart and head. Awaken us that we might be a light to the nations and testify effectively of your love and grace once more. First, awaken us and then revive the nations to worship you in spirit and truth. Shake the world once again in your wild graceful love.
Lord, make our hearts, make my heart, to be good soil that will receive your gospel WORD and bear much fruit Let not the worries of this life crowd out the life of your WORD in me. Cut out of me that which connects me to the unbelieving world and separate me to your kingdom truth.
Lord, have mercy. Keep us from deserved just wrath by your sacrificial grace. Lord, let us seek you.
Lord have mercy, Messiah Jesus have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen
Friday, April 22, 2016
Prayer based on Isaiah 42:16
Isaiah 42
16 And I will lead the blind
in a way that they do not know,
in paths that they have not known
I will guide them.
I will turn the darkness before them into light,
the rough places into level ground.
These are the things I do,
and I do not forsake them.
Lord, we are blind and in dark places. We don't know the way. We have strayed from the path of righteousness and life. We are lost.
Lord, you who love the blind, now lead us.
Lord, you who know the way and paths that we do not know, guide us that we may no wander and be lost any longer.
Guide us now.
Lead us now.
Turn our darkness into light. Take away lies and bring us the truth. Let us live the truth.
Lord, we are weary and the rough places are greater than our strength to climb.
Make those rough place level and smooth that we may walk on them with our limited strength and ability.
Faithful LORD, do not forsake us to our folly and insanity. Without YOU, we have no hope. YOU are our one hope.
LORD, we need you to move mountains. Amen
16 And I will lead the blind
in a way that they do not know,
in paths that they have not known
I will guide them.
I will turn the darkness before them into light,
the rough places into level ground.
These are the things I do,
and I do not forsake them.
Lord, we are blind and in dark places. We don't know the way. We have strayed from the path of righteousness and life. We are lost.
Lord, you who love the blind, now lead us.
Lord, you who know the way and paths that we do not know, guide us that we may no wander and be lost any longer.
Guide us now.
Lead us now.
Turn our darkness into light. Take away lies and bring us the truth. Let us live the truth.
Lord, we are weary and the rough places are greater than our strength to climb.
Make those rough place level and smooth that we may walk on them with our limited strength and ability.
Faithful LORD, do not forsake us to our folly and insanity. Without YOU, we have no hope. YOU are our one hope.
LORD, we need you to move mountains. Amen
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Meditation on Psalm 88
I Cry Out Day and Night Before You
A Song. A Psalm of the Sons of Korah. To the choirmaster: according to Mahalath Leannoth. A Maskil of Heman the Ezrahite.
88:1 O Lord, God of my salvation;
I cry out day and night before you.
2 Let my prayer come before you;
incline your ear to my cry!
3 For my soul is full of troubles,
and my life draws near to Sheol.
4 I am counted among those who go down to the pit;
I am a man who has no strength,
5 like one set loose among the dead,
like the slain that lies in the grave,
like those whom you remember no more,
for they are cut off from your hand.
6 You have put me in the depths of the pit,
in the regions dark and deep.
7 Your wrath lies heavy upon me,
and you overwhelm me with all your waves. Selah
8 You have caused my companions to shun me;
you have made me a horror to them.
I am shut in so that I cannot escape;
9 my eye grows dim through sorrow.
Every day I call upon you, O Lord;
I spread out my hands to you.
LORD, Messiah, my salvation.
I cry out to you day and night. Even in my dreams I cry out to you.
Hear my cry.
My soul is overcome with struggles and troubles.
Failures and losses are all around me. The weight of my falling short is so great.
I have no strength left in me. I see the darkness growing around me. The losses are increasing on every side. My regrets grow greater with each revelation. Each day adds to my failures.
I fear to hope least my expectations be crushed. I fear not to hope least the sorrow of despair swallows me.
Those I most love I have lost. They have shunned my teaching. They have chosen lies. I cannot save them. I am powerless.
Lord, of power, now come. Save those I cannot save. Lift up my head from my grief. Bring me comfort in the midst of my wailing.
I regret my not doing more when there was an opportunity. The loss of so much potential. Paying now for past mistakes. If only I could have seen the cost of falling short.
Lord, help me now and restore what has been lost. Raise from the dead the old potentials. Help me regain what I have failed to earn. Lord, now act in ways beyond my dreams or my faith.
Lord, have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen
A Song. A Psalm of the Sons of Korah. To the choirmaster: according to Mahalath Leannoth. A Maskil of Heman the Ezrahite.
88:1 O Lord, God of my salvation;
I cry out day and night before you.
2 Let my prayer come before you;
incline your ear to my cry!
3 For my soul is full of troubles,
and my life draws near to Sheol.
4 I am counted among those who go down to the pit;
I am a man who has no strength,
5 like one set loose among the dead,
like the slain that lies in the grave,
like those whom you remember no more,
for they are cut off from your hand.
6 You have put me in the depths of the pit,
in the regions dark and deep.
7 Your wrath lies heavy upon me,
and you overwhelm me with all your waves. Selah
8 You have caused my companions to shun me;
you have made me a horror to them.
I am shut in so that I cannot escape;
9 my eye grows dim through sorrow.
Every day I call upon you, O Lord;
I spread out my hands to you.
LORD, Messiah, my salvation.
I cry out to you day and night. Even in my dreams I cry out to you.
Hear my cry.
My soul is overcome with struggles and troubles.
Failures and losses are all around me. The weight of my falling short is so great.
I have no strength left in me. I see the darkness growing around me. The losses are increasing on every side. My regrets grow greater with each revelation. Each day adds to my failures.
I fear to hope least my expectations be crushed. I fear not to hope least the sorrow of despair swallows me.
Those I most love I have lost. They have shunned my teaching. They have chosen lies. I cannot save them. I am powerless.
Lord, of power, now come. Save those I cannot save. Lift up my head from my grief. Bring me comfort in the midst of my wailing.
I regret my not doing more when there was an opportunity. The loss of so much potential. Paying now for past mistakes. If only I could have seen the cost of falling short.
Lord, help me now and restore what has been lost. Raise from the dead the old potentials. Help me regain what I have failed to earn. Lord, now act in ways beyond my dreams or my faith.
Lord, have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen
Friday, April 15, 2016
Prayer based on Isaiah 50:10
Isaiah 50:10
10 Who among you fears the Lord
and obeys the voice of his servant?
Let him who walks in darkness
and has no light
trust in the name of the Lord
and rely on his God. (ESV)
Lord, grant to me a real respect, acknowledgement, and awe at your greatness, goodness, and grace. Provide me insight into my total dependence on you moment by moment. Let me hate immoral attitudes and actions as you hate them and recognize the just wrath such attitudes and actions deserve. Help me live in the reality of your presence and provide me an ability to hear your voice as my Good Shepherd during the worst of times.
LORD, when the darkness settles in over me and the path before me cannot be seen help me know that you have not changed. When all evidence of purpose and plan have evaporated allow me to rely on your grace, greatness, and goodness to not have evaporated. Provide me a strong faith, reliance, and dependence upon YOU during the most overwhelming and difficult time.
Be my firm foundation on my darkest days.
10 Who among you fears the Lord
and obeys the voice of his servant?
Let him who walks in darkness
and has no light
trust in the name of the Lord
and rely on his God. (ESV)
Lord, grant to me a real respect, acknowledgement, and awe at your greatness, goodness, and grace. Provide me insight into my total dependence on you moment by moment. Let me hate immoral attitudes and actions as you hate them and recognize the just wrath such attitudes and actions deserve. Help me live in the reality of your presence and provide me an ability to hear your voice as my Good Shepherd during the worst of times.
LORD, when the darkness settles in over me and the path before me cannot be seen help me know that you have not changed. When all evidence of purpose and plan have evaporated allow me to rely on your grace, greatness, and goodness to not have evaporated. Provide me a strong faith, reliance, and dependence upon YOU during the most overwhelming and difficult time.
Be my firm foundation on my darkest days.
Monday, April 11, 2016
Prayer and Meditation based on Mark chapter one
Meditations on Mark 1
Lord, Jesus you are the Messiah of Israel and the promised King of David.
Lord, prepare my heart to accept YOU.
Lord, give to my heart a deeper, richer, and fuller repentance. Separate me from the unbelieving culture. Let me be fully a member of your new culture and community. Come now, LORD Jesus, fill me with the Holy SPIRIT.
FATHER, let the blessing you gave to Jesus at HIS baptism now be mine "IN HIM". Let me hear you saying to me this day, "You are my beloved Son, with you, I am well pleased". Help me see that this which HE earned has been given to me as a free gift of grace.
Holy Spirit, as you lead me into battle in the wilderness this day grant to me strength and help. Allow the angels to be sent out to minister to me so that I may be able to endure and overcome the testings and temptations of this day.
Lord Jesus, let me see the established and advancing manifestation of your kingdom in my heart, family, culture, and worldwide. Push back the darkness and demonstrate your victory on the cross over the world, the flesh, and the devil.
Lord, let me hear your call to discipleship today and have the ability to leave behind every other reality and purpose. Help me be defined by my discipleship to you.
LORD, Jesus you are the HOLY ONE of God. Cast out the lies in my heart. Cast out the fears in my heart. Cast out the darkness. Bring your teaching powerfully into reality in me.
Lord, heal my soul that I may serve.
Lord, let me see your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Give me boldness this day to give testimony to your name and truth today.
Lord, this day help the hopeless. Cleanse my soul of spiritual leprosy
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen.
Lord, Jesus you are the Messiah of Israel and the promised King of David.
Lord, prepare my heart to accept YOU.
Lord, give to my heart a deeper, richer, and fuller repentance. Separate me from the unbelieving culture. Let me be fully a member of your new culture and community. Come now, LORD Jesus, fill me with the Holy SPIRIT.
FATHER, let the blessing you gave to Jesus at HIS baptism now be mine "IN HIM". Let me hear you saying to me this day, "You are my beloved Son, with you, I am well pleased". Help me see that this which HE earned has been given to me as a free gift of grace.
Holy Spirit, as you lead me into battle in the wilderness this day grant to me strength and help. Allow the angels to be sent out to minister to me so that I may be able to endure and overcome the testings and temptations of this day.
Lord Jesus, let me see the established and advancing manifestation of your kingdom in my heart, family, culture, and worldwide. Push back the darkness and demonstrate your victory on the cross over the world, the flesh, and the devil.
Lord, let me hear your call to discipleship today and have the ability to leave behind every other reality and purpose. Help me be defined by my discipleship to you.
LORD, Jesus you are the HOLY ONE of God. Cast out the lies in my heart. Cast out the fears in my heart. Cast out the darkness. Bring your teaching powerfully into reality in me.
Lord, heal my soul that I may serve.
Lord, let me see your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Give me boldness this day to give testimony to your name and truth today.
Lord, this day help the hopeless. Cleanse my soul of spiritual leprosy
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Meditation on Psalm 145
Meditation on Psalm 145
Lord, you are the great CREATOR and KING of the
universe. Your competence and character
are beyond human minds to search out or understand.
Lord, you made a universe 92 billion light years in
diameter. It has 100 billion solar
systems made by your power. The stars
you have formed are estimated at 100 octillion.
All this is but a poor shadow of your wisdom and power.
You have created throughout history about 100 billion human
souls. You have loved them despite their
rebellion against you as their KING.
Human beings are estimated to have fought in 8000 wars in recorded
history in which it is thought 342 million died in combat. No one can guess the number of people tortured,
raped, oppressed, and betrayed.
Yet, in every generation, you have loved them despite their
rejection of your love. You have
remained faithful to us even when we were unfaithful to you. YOU provided rain, sunshine, seed, and
harvest for the just and unjust.
Dear precious personal living LORD. You give undeserved favor, kindness,
longsuffering. and unending love to us.
To each one of the 100 billion human souls, you have been good and
YOU are at work to manifest your righteous KINGDOM on
earth. YOU have kept tyrants from
permanently winning in their quest for power.
Guiding history and invading it in the person of God the Son
who became the Son of God in Messiah Jesus.
In your love, righteousness, holiness, and justice were seen and HE paid
the full price to open the doors of compassion and forgiveness for all nations.
I call out to you now
LORD. From the deepest part of my soul,
now. Allow us to endure. Convert or cripple the wicked.
LORD, may you rejoice in the works of your hands.
Friday, April 8, 2016
Meditation and prayer on Luke 2
Meditation on Luke 2
Lord, sometimes you are working in the middle of inconvenient and stressful times. Joseph and Mary had to move during her pregnancy because of tax laws. Not a good time and taxes are never fun. Yet, you used all that to move them to be in Bethlehem for YOUR birth. It is interesting that even when people have a revelation like they did with angels and all, you move them using normal providence most of the time.
LORD, you called upon the shepherds, caring for the sheep destined to be sacrificed in the temple to come to be witnesses of your arrival into the word. The incarnation and coming of the GREAT SHEPHERD, would be witnessed by shepherds. LORD, let your great peace be upon us as we think about the wonder of your coming in the flesh for us.
Lord, let the revelation of your coming lead us to witness, worship, and wonder. Open our hearts so that we will not be cold to the good news of your love for us. Let our familiarity of your revelation lead us to indifference towards this revelation.
LORD, let us have the focus of our life to be seeing you more clearly before we die. Open our eyes to the wonder of your great love and truth found in YOUR leaving heaven and coming to earth to save us. Move us to see this wonder anew.
Lord, reveal our thoughts to us and grant repentance where these thoughts are not your thoughts. Help us be prepared for some of the insights into our souls to be painful. Prepare us for the difficult times that a life of pain will bring to us. Lord help us now to be ready to follow you during hard times.
Lord, give to me the focus of worship, fast pray more and more Give to me a seeking heart. Help me understand the need of really seeking you with passion and diligence. Lord have mercy.
Lord Jesus, even as a child you were seeking always to be about the business of the kingdom. Your vision was clear. You're calling absolute.
Help me to grow in grace day by day.
LORD, renew my wonder and awe of your love. Help me see you more clearly today, love you more dearly today, and follow you more nearly today. Amen
Lord, sometimes you are working in the middle of inconvenient and stressful times. Joseph and Mary had to move during her pregnancy because of tax laws. Not a good time and taxes are never fun. Yet, you used all that to move them to be in Bethlehem for YOUR birth. It is interesting that even when people have a revelation like they did with angels and all, you move them using normal providence most of the time.
LORD, you called upon the shepherds, caring for the sheep destined to be sacrificed in the temple to come to be witnesses of your arrival into the word. The incarnation and coming of the GREAT SHEPHERD, would be witnessed by shepherds. LORD, let your great peace be upon us as we think about the wonder of your coming in the flesh for us.
Lord, let the revelation of your coming lead us to witness, worship, and wonder. Open our hearts so that we will not be cold to the good news of your love for us. Let our familiarity of your revelation lead us to indifference towards this revelation.
LORD, let us have the focus of our life to be seeing you more clearly before we die. Open our eyes to the wonder of your great love and truth found in YOUR leaving heaven and coming to earth to save us. Move us to see this wonder anew.
Lord, reveal our thoughts to us and grant repentance where these thoughts are not your thoughts. Help us be prepared for some of the insights into our souls to be painful. Prepare us for the difficult times that a life of pain will bring to us. Lord help us now to be ready to follow you during hard times.
Lord, give to me the focus of worship, fast pray more and more Give to me a seeking heart. Help me understand the need of really seeking you with passion and diligence. Lord have mercy.
Lord Jesus, even as a child you were seeking always to be about the business of the kingdom. Your vision was clear. You're calling absolute.
Help me to grow in grace day by day.
LORD, renew my wonder and awe of your love. Help me see you more clearly today, love you more dearly today, and follow you more nearly today. Amen
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Meditation on Luke 1
Meditation on Luke 1
Lord, give to me certainty about the reality and truth of the good news of your incarnation and redemptive mission to save us in your sacrificial death and resurrection. Help the concrete reality of this historical invasion of salvation impact me and give me internal security and hope.
It was in the reign of Herod the Great that John and Jesus were born.
YOU LORD, act in real time and real space. This is no make-believe world. This is the real world. YOU are real.
Zechariah has been praying that he might have a son. Even though his wife was old and beyond the normal circumstances of life. It is interesting that even though Zechariah lacked faith that his prayer could be answered, yet he had prayed for it. Lord, I thank you that you answer prayers even when they are weak in faith.
The will of God for Zechariah's son is different than he would have wanted or thought. For John was not be a priest following in his dad's footsteps but a prophet who ministered outside the establishment of the temple. Lord, your plans for our children can be very different than our plans. Help us Lord, help me Lord, to accept the destiny you have for my children.
Lord, May had not prayed to become the mother of the Messiah. YOU chose here by grace alone to be the means by which YOUR incarnation would take place. She became the most honored of all women by grace alone.
LORD Jesus, dear Joshua help me see you more clearly. Help me see you as the fulfillment of Psalm 2 and as the ultimate Davidic King. Allow me to bow my heart before you in submission and praise for you have come to deliver me. There is no end to your KINGDOM.
YOUR power in the HOLY SPIRIT created your human nature within the womb of the virgin. YOU created the second Adam out of the dust of a woman's womb. Nothing, not even incarnation, is impossible for YOU great all-powerful maker of heaven and earth. Help me trust in the idea that there are no impossibilities for you.
Forgive me my lack of faith in your power.
LORD, let me surrender to your will as Mary surrendered to your will, that your kingdom would come and will be done on earth as in heaven.
Fill me with the Holy Spirit this day. Let my heart leap with joy as I think about your love for me in leaving heaven and coming to earth. Let my soul respond to the greatness of your love.
Lord, let my soul see you in the awe and greatness that YOU are in reality! Pour out your mercy upon us. Grant us a good and healthy fear of you in our hearts. Keep us from pride. Provide for us humility. Fill us for we hunger and thirst for righteousness. Open our eyes to your great salvation.
Yahweh is gracious is the meaning of the name John. Clearly you desired to send a message to us that YOU are saving us by your abundant grace and mercy alone.
LORD, in the coming of John and Jesus you have brought to us your message and means of salvation. The enemies of our souls, the flesh, the world, and the devil are overcome by your great redemptive acts of love. You have remembered your promises and your oaths to the fathers of the faith. YOU LORD, have been faithful. LORD, give to me the knowledge of salvation and deep appreciation for the forgiveness of my sins. Thank you, LORD, for your tender mercy and the truth of your great love which brings us to YOUR peace. LORD open our eyes to all that you have revealed.
Lord of mercy, give to us mercy today. Amen
Lord, give to me certainty about the reality and truth of the good news of your incarnation and redemptive mission to save us in your sacrificial death and resurrection. Help the concrete reality of this historical invasion of salvation impact me and give me internal security and hope.
It was in the reign of Herod the Great that John and Jesus were born.
YOU LORD, act in real time and real space. This is no make-believe world. This is the real world. YOU are real.
Zechariah has been praying that he might have a son. Even though his wife was old and beyond the normal circumstances of life. It is interesting that even though Zechariah lacked faith that his prayer could be answered, yet he had prayed for it. Lord, I thank you that you answer prayers even when they are weak in faith.
The will of God for Zechariah's son is different than he would have wanted or thought. For John was not be a priest following in his dad's footsteps but a prophet who ministered outside the establishment of the temple. Lord, your plans for our children can be very different than our plans. Help us Lord, help me Lord, to accept the destiny you have for my children.
Lord, May had not prayed to become the mother of the Messiah. YOU chose here by grace alone to be the means by which YOUR incarnation would take place. She became the most honored of all women by grace alone.
LORD Jesus, dear Joshua help me see you more clearly. Help me see you as the fulfillment of Psalm 2 and as the ultimate Davidic King. Allow me to bow my heart before you in submission and praise for you have come to deliver me. There is no end to your KINGDOM.
YOUR power in the HOLY SPIRIT created your human nature within the womb of the virgin. YOU created the second Adam out of the dust of a woman's womb. Nothing, not even incarnation, is impossible for YOU great all-powerful maker of heaven and earth. Help me trust in the idea that there are no impossibilities for you.
Forgive me my lack of faith in your power.
LORD, let me surrender to your will as Mary surrendered to your will, that your kingdom would come and will be done on earth as in heaven.
Fill me with the Holy Spirit this day. Let my heart leap with joy as I think about your love for me in leaving heaven and coming to earth. Let my soul respond to the greatness of your love.
Lord, let my soul see you in the awe and greatness that YOU are in reality! Pour out your mercy upon us. Grant us a good and healthy fear of you in our hearts. Keep us from pride. Provide for us humility. Fill us for we hunger and thirst for righteousness. Open our eyes to your great salvation.
Yahweh is gracious is the meaning of the name John. Clearly you desired to send a message to us that YOU are saving us by your abundant grace and mercy alone.
LORD, in the coming of John and Jesus you have brought to us your message and means of salvation. The enemies of our souls, the flesh, the world, and the devil are overcome by your great redemptive acts of love. You have remembered your promises and your oaths to the fathers of the faith. YOU LORD, have been faithful. LORD, give to me the knowledge of salvation and deep appreciation for the forgiveness of my sins. Thank you, LORD, for your tender mercy and the truth of your great love which brings us to YOUR peace. LORD open our eyes to all that you have revealed.
Lord of mercy, give to us mercy today. Amen
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
How Should We Then Live?
How Should We Live?
[Micah6:8 NASB] 8 He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you?
But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?
[9] Micah 6:1-8
Hear, O mountains, the plea of the LORD (6:2)
Questions of the LORD
Questions of the people
You have been told (6:8)
Introduction: Micah’s name means, “Who is like the Lord?” and is an expression of praise to the God who is incomparable. Micah appears to have been a non-professional prophet (not paid for his ministry; Micah 3:5,11), a man of courage, conviction, and personal faith whose main focus was on the need for social justice. According to Jewish tradition, Micah was thrown off a mountain by the king due to his call to make things right among God’s people. It is believed by conservative scholars that his ministry spanned a 50-year period from 739 to 686 B.C. [1]
I. God brings us to family court! (6:1,2)
A. God is the judge
B. Micah is the prosecuting attorney
C. The Mountains as the oldest part of the earth serve as witnesses
II. God’s Plea (6:3-5)
A. God calls us to be reasonable
B. Has God failed them?
1. Redeeming them from Egypt
2. Saving them from the curse of Balaam
3. Forgiving their sins and bringing them into the Promised Land
III. Our defense (6:6,7) – Self-righteousness and manipulation
A. What more can you desire from us?
B. Can we bribe you with “more” to get your blessing?
C. Sarcastically, asking if God wants the sacrifice of our children
IV. God’s heartfelt reply – What I want has never changed
A. Do Justice – “Mishpat” is Outwardly “giving people what they are due, whether punishment, or protection, or care” (Keller). Because of this to “do justice” was to take up the care of the widows, orphans, immigrants and the poor. What has been called the biblical “quartet of the vulnerable”. [2]
When we do justice we reflect the character of the God of redemption, grace, and righteousness in our actions. We reflect God’s true image.
[Deuteronomy 10:18-19 NASB] 18 "He executes justice for the orphan and the widow, and shows His love for the alien by giving him food and clothing. 19 "So show your love for the alien, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt.
This means we must also strive for the social structures, civil laws, and cultural institutions that will promote justice.
B. To love kindness – Hesed is having an inward commitment to the revelation of God’s grace and kindness in redeeming us by the blood of Messiah Jesus that it will manifest itself in merciful actions towards others.
[Ephesians 4:32 NASB] 32 Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.
C. To walk humbly – Tsanah – To now do justice or love kindness with a self-righteous or self-sufficient attitude. To be humble is to know that we need to be in continuous fellowship with the LORD to accomplish anything.
[Jhn 15:5 NASB] 5 "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.
V. How should we then live?[3]
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