Saturday, August 20, 2016

Meditation on Psalm 137 and Psalm 144

Meditation on Psalm 137

How can we sing songs of the kingdom of God when we are surrounded and dominated by an unbelieving culture and soaked in rebellious lifestyles.  To sing in the middle of this culture would seem like a mockery of our words.  The darkness is so total that it is hard to imagine that light exists.   Lord of light show us light and keep our eyes from being filled with darkness. 

Help us not forget the kingdom and righteousness of YOUR rule and reign.  Help me to remember your ways and will and in that find joy. 

Lord, dash the dark demonic forces and their plans against your people.  King Jesus, come and revive and renew us.  Let the traps of enemies of the gospel be dispersed.  

Psalm 144

Train me to battle and win for your kingdom of love and peace.  Be my sure refuge in the middle of my struggles.  Now come to me and protect me from the forces of unbelief and let many find faith through my witness.  Give me boldness to witness.  

What am I that you should consider me.  Just a mere breath.  Only a shadow compared to your greatness and glory.  

Bow down now and shake the heavens and the earth.  Let us see YOUR victory in our day.  Rescue us and destroy the lies that war against us. 

Now raise up a generation of faithful sons of the covenant.  Send repentance like an ocean to the children raised in the homes of believing parents.  Bring the prodigals home.  Change their hearts and minds to totally believe and trust in YOU.  Bring your Church to new unity, love, and truth.  Manifest your goodness, greatness, and grace through YOUR people.  Now act!  We do not deserve this but for your glory and our good, ACT NOW!  Lord we are desperate.  


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