Meditation on Psalm 55
Lord, creator of heaven and earth and redeemer of repentant souls through the sacrifice of your blood, now have mercy upon me.
The enemy of my soul, the dark lord of darkness, comes upon me to oppress me, and I need you to be my shelter from the waging storm and terror of hard circumstances.
Destroy the plans of the world, the flesh and the devil and replace their lies with truth and their cursing with your blessing.
Lord, save me from the wolves in sheep clothing and if possible, convert the wolves to be true disciples. Take from them the heart of stone and give to them the heart of flesh. Cut out evil from their hearts and put the HOLY SPIRIT in its place.
Lord, save us now. Deliver us out of our own deceptions. Defeat the one who kills, steals, and destroys so that you may be glorified when you redeem me in the middle of this battle. Come now and rescue me!
Lord, I give to you my burdens. You fully understand them. You now their weight crushes me. Help me not be moved from my trust in you. Increase my faith and hope. Draw near to me. Be my helper this day.
Lord have mercy, Messiah have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen
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