1 Peter 2:1 So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. 2 Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation— 3 if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.
Lord, you have given to us the living and enduring word of YOUR love found in the wonder of YOUR death on the cross for our sins and resurrection from the dead proving our hope in YOU has a good reason. In the light of that truth about YOUR love and involvement in our lives. Help us now respond.
In the light of YOUR love, help us to look inward. Let me look inward. Show to me my hidden faults.
Help me to put away the anger, desire for revenge, self-righteousness, the lies I tell myself, the false impressions that I give others, the two-faced nature of so many aspects of my life, my desire for what others have, with the feeling that I deserve more than what I do have, and save me from the judgment of others and the demeaning of them instead of confession of my own shortcomings.
Lord, save us from the darkness that is in us.
Good loving Savior and King, give to us a hunger and thirst for the gospel that we may grow strong in the work of deliverance YOU have provided for us. Let us cry out for YOUR word and see our need of YOUR word deep inside of us. Put in us a passion for growing, into spiritual maturity.
LORD, YOU are good, great, and full of grace. YOU have allowed us to see, feel, experience this reality. We could never have attained to an awareness of it without YOUR revelation by the HOLY SPIRIT. Help us remember the times when the reality of the gospel was most real in our lives. Let these memories fuel a fresh desire for YOU this day.
LORD send to us a revival, renewal, and reformation to YOUR people now! We need fresh wind and fire that only you can provide.
Awaken the children born in YOUR covenant who have strayed from having faith, love, and hope in YOU. Take what they were taught as children and allow them now to become a living reality to them as adults. Remember them and the hopes of their parents. Have mercy. Revive them first.
Come now and work in our generation.
Lord, we need YOU now. Act NOW. Amen
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