Friday, June 10, 2016

Meditation on John 20

Meditation on John 20

Lord, your tomb is empty. In accordance with the promises of your death and resurrection you are alive. Help this reality sink deeply into my soul. YOU are alive today. You have conquered death. 

Rabbi LORD Jesus, let me see you more clearly, love you more dearly, and desire to follow you more nearly in light of your resurrection and victory on the cross. 

Lord, as YOU were sent to be the gospel so now you are sending me to be the gospel to this culture, time, and civilization. Breathe on me and allow the HOLY SPIRIT to help me to be the gospel today. 

Lord, overcome my doubts. Answer the questions and unbelief of my soul. Bless me with the gift of faith so that even though I have not seen I will have firm trust in YOU. 

Be with the children of the covenant, separated, dedicated, and some of them baptized to be in association with your gospel and raised to believe, but who now have strayed far away in faith and life. Come to them as you came to the doubting apostle Thomas, and reveal yourself to them. Bless them with true faith. Bring the straying children home to YOU. Lord have mercy on them now 

Help me meditate upon your Words, deeds, death, and resurrection so that the Holy Spirit may increase my conviction that you are the Messiah, God the Son who became the Son of God so that I may have union and communion in love forever in the authority and victory YOU have won. 

Lord have mercy, Messiah have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen

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