Meditation on Matthew 27
LORD, how is it that we can listen to and act on poor counsel that we give to each other? Sometimes, it should be clear that what we plan is evil, yet because we have found others who agree it seems reasonable at the time. Save us from the dark deception of sin.
LORD, we have rejected you even when you have come to save us. How hurtful to your heart it must be to see us so indifferent to your passionate and pure love for us. Lord, help us to receive and not reject your love this day.
LORD, save me from the foolishness of Judas. So often we see only later that what we have done is insane. Betraying you is insane. Thinking that the money paid to betray you was contaminated and not recognizing that the actual act of giving the money in the first place was the real contamination. Lord how blind we can be. Lord, you have planned to use all things for good even our wildly wicked things but this does not remove from them their evil. Lord have mercy now and help us avoid the way of Judas.
LORD JESUS, you are the Messiah. YOU are the promised redeeming King of Israel. YOU are the hope of the nations.
LORD, Barabbas represents our efforts to through violence and self-reliance defeat our enemies. When given a choice we will choose something or someone who will offer us deliverance now in practical ways that rely on our own strength than the salvation you offer based on divine intervention. Lord, this day let me choose you over Barabbas. Give me a loyalty to you even when the crowds are rejecting you. Win my heart this day.
LORD JESUS, save us from a cynical, mocking, and cruel attitude that will abuse and hurt. Help us not be blasphemous in how we deal with you and save us from a need to make fun of what we don't understand.
LORD JESUS, you died rejected and with your enemies mocking you. Your death was brutal and harsh. Such a great price to pay for my sins. Upon you, the just penalty of my sins was laid.
LORD, your death has caused the way to be open to being in union and communion with the FATHER. The full price has been paid. Truly you are God the Son who has become the Son of God.
LORD, may I be in a fellowship of friends that even during the darkest moments we will seek to serve and honor you. Bless our fellowship with such a bond of seeking and trusting you even in the midst of pain, sorrow, and confusion.
LORD, all the power of humanity cannot stop your plans. Even when we plot to keep your will from getting done, you will overcome it. YOU are in control.
LORD JESUS, thank you for accepting such pain and penalty for my sins. Help me to see more clearly the depth of your love that would take you to the cross. Provide for me new insight into the wonder of your sacrificial and substitutionary death. Allow my vision of your suffering create in me a new love for you. Help me see that you first loved me. LORD COME NOW AND HELP ME MORE DEEPLY BELIEVE IN YOU! AMEN
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